

what if God was one of us
What if God was one of us. Are WE a chemical reaction? Because I heard God is love. And I think we are All much more than that. And if we are. So is He.

What I the president was one of us? A man a woman a God or angel space dust. Well, we are. We are the people. In control and hopefully not controlled by the chemical reactions in our brains. They appear to be short lived and some of them imbalancedly so .. some of us don't get very many of them. So whatever it is that helps us control our actions and have power of our reactions. That's some powerful stuff. Although, I'm addicted to love and trying to pour it out all over the place. Our grandparents say don't cry over spilled milk. My milk was love, so I cried anyway. Plus. She told me today. They used to have milk back then all over.

What if love WAS one of us?

What if we all knew it.

Or knew how to do it..

Soon there will be milk like back then.

Mother's milk, cows and goats milk.

Miracles really. I would never argue with an old timer. Rarely ever. But as golden as milk is... I might shed a tear.

In front of God. On a bus. Next to Jesus and nursing a lamb back to health.

What if we were the people?

Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids.

Let's stand up and protect our steeples.

So news within news is just poetry. Trying to get the kids interested in protecting what we've already fought. So they can play in the land. And each one of them royal pilgrims or presidents.

What if a kid was one of us?

This just in.

We are.

{before and after of political spirit God poem ramble was lost to a failure in technology. I did not write it down first. this is truly why I don't advise writing computer first. write it down if you're near a pen or pencil first. it involved the children getting involved as a before during and ending. was super important. gooday}
© chorus chrubble