

Yes! I am cursed
Yes! I am cursed
Yes! I am blessed
Yes !This is a battle , between what I cherish and what I don't.
But I don't want to lose my charm,
My self,
My uniqueness,
In this bloody field.

Yes!This is a war, between my heart and brain.
But I don't want to kill my heart for the sake of my brain.
Let the brain be dead leaving my heart enlightened.
I will continue to be myself.

Yes! This is a Revolt , between the best me and the worst me.
Let it be the best me or the worst me I will continue to be me.
If I am me that can be the best.

Yes! Life is a battle ,a war , a revolt.
But don't lose your self.
Sometimes being yourself can be a curse and sometimes a blessing.
But it is always the best.
