

The Stars falling from my Heart
I looked up the sky
It was dark everywhere
scary and deep
cold and freezing
For me nothing seemed appealing

It was very quite there
I found shadows wandering without any lights
They shouted:" where is my lights??, where is my lights"
It was desperate and angry
though it was quite familiar

Suddenly a tiny little star
appeared from nowhere else
It was twinkling brightly in the darken and lonely sky
enough to lit up the heavens

For a long time it stood up there
making me feel loved and safe
I found my dreams there
hoping to reach high upto the stars
noticed myself flying over the black clouds

All the way there
popped up so many little stars
some were in groups
some were alone

I accompanied the lonely ones
stretched my arms
to touch a comet
Dunno why??? All the stars were falling down

I was sad and gloomy
An instant pain Peirced my heart
Finally I was awaken from illusion

The Sky was my heart
and the stars were my beloved
Light from there was my
dreams, hopes and memories encircling them

In all my good times
they sticked to my heart core
But when I was trembling, struggling and fighting
one by one it is falling down
returning all the shadows of pain
until the last one is dropped
Thus all the stars have fallen from my heart💓

Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.
©Ann Mary