

when did my childhood go ??
#connection life #InnerLandscape #insearchofhappiness #wrightco #write #writcopoemchallegene

when did my childhood go ?
was it the day I ceased to be eleven.
was it the time I realized that hell and heaven,
could not be found in geography,
and therefore could not be ,
was that the day !

when did my childhood go ?
was it the time I realize that adults were not
all they seemed to be ,
they talked of love and preached of love ,
but did not act so lovingly ,
was that the day !

when did my childhood go ?
was it when I found my mind was really mine ,
to use whichever way I choose ,
producing thoughts that were not those of other people
but my own and my mine alone
was that day !

where did my childhood go ?
it went to some forgotten place ,
that is hidden in an infant's face ,
that's all I know .