

Wandering in dark
It's lost, in this darkness, with a feeling of despair
that I find myself yet, standing alone.
Pondering over the choices, the mistakes made,
looking for a way, that I may atone.
As I have dove head first, into this black abyss,,
known only as, this life of mine.
Trapped in this place now,
but as I have come too see, no light can shine.
I have been living this life, that has shown,
nothing but heartache and pain.
Yet still, I continue on this same path, no change,
that I've come to see, this is what is insane.
Now, as I've veered to the right and too the left,
so blindly, I have walked through life's path,
Without a care or even a worry
not even a thought of its aftermath.
Now its the broken heart's
and those crushed dreams.
That wander the halls of my mind,
there is no peace, or serenity, that I can find.
Unlike a man, walking through, a well lighted park
I am the man stuck, wandering aimlessly in the dark.

© David Lowell Eads Jr.