

Blend In This Seam
So much I want to share
With you
Vision an ocean in the evening
Water rolling
Soft midnight blues
Listen with your heart
See it with your ears
Look into my eyes
Can you tell
There has been tears

Hard times may push me
Roll over...no not me
It's been quiet on this end
Harder the lemons have hit
Almost left bruises
Felt a sin
Carrying on once again
Wanting you...when...time again

So much I want to give
To you
Massages, " I do well"
To polishing up your hair
Ex - stylist, I excelled
Your so close to me
Yet so far as can be
When we'll you come
How many morning suns
To evening moons begun

One day our invisible bond
Will pull, you will see
I was not kidding when, I said
Future visions come to me
Patience Time Kindness
Blend in this seam
© Cynthia Sakacs 4-14-2021