

Just Once...
"Just once"
I want to know how it feels
"Just once"
what's the worst that can happen, it heals

The tan turns to red
The sliver is now tinted
I sat there and watched as I bled
"Bad idea" my brain hinted

"It will only be once" I thought
However, that proved to be a lie
The urges grew stronger, but I fought
Until I didn't, and gave in yet again with a sigh

Cherry, maroon, red apple, all shades of red
But none as pretty as the one I created
The satisfaction in watching the way I bled
Something I loved, due to someone I hated

But it helped me forget
the things I desperately didn't want to remember
It protected me when I felt upset
Only for the cost of my skin, which I was willing to surrender

"Just this once"
A statement that was so naive
"Just this once"
But now I have to wear a long sleeve...

© Shah Lubna

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