

Hidden Hints

The world is not what you see,
It stretches from sea to sky...
Like how mind looks far away
From the deep rooted heart.

Every tints of white and black
May seem difficult and weird,
That is actually your incence
To curate what is good and evil.

Try to tie yourself at any end
Of the mind, soul and heart,
Rather oscillating in the
Sea-surrounded spacious world.

Do ramble your mind within,
But show not the world as you did so;
Cry within, struggle within, toil within,
But cherish to the eyes of the world.

Do smell the filthy around you,
To find the taste the sweetest smell
Which is left unfelt!
This is rarer you find amidst people.

Do wash your stains within,
But show the world
As you haven't created one.
These hidden hints will make YOU!

Differences are what you MAKE,
When you're really AWAKE!

© Sneha Kannusamy