

The man from downtown
It's funny how we go from strangers to friends,
And then, strangers again,
Once I craved you,
Now I don't need you,

How conclusive our bond has become,
But at first, I thought there was more to come,
How did the journey to thousand miles become a stroll,
What happened to Promise,
I guess there was a disguise in your demise,
I was wrong to trust hope.

The reality of life has stroked my ribs,
And my soul aches from its prick,
I guess I should have seen the red flags,
I was drowning in my fantasy.

Now I must kiss hope goodbye,
I hope you see the resistance in my eyes,
I let my guard down,
I fell for the pretty eyes of the man downtown,
It's partly my fault,
I should have given all.

I have a part to play in this,
My eyes are now opened to signals that I had missed,
I should call when you didn't call,
I guess I have been hurt so badly that I forgot how to love.

So I blame time and fate,
You are a good man that came on the wrong date,
I enjoyed the taste of the sweetness,
you are now the only color in my black-and-white bitterness.

I saw you at the bar last night,
Sitting under the light,
I should have said hi
But the boundaries are back,
And all we have now is what we were.

© Mentron Dc