

Fuck it
Fuck love I hate it
I hate to love
I hate to be loved
I have searched for it but I have never found it
It's always a struggle 😪
A struggle to look for it
A struggle to find it
I have fought both inner and outer fights to gain and win eternal
But sometimes I wish my dad could be here 😔
My loving granny to love me the way she used to
Love to me has never been by heart
Coz no one shows me that
So I don't think I can love
I can't keep friends
Am evil
Vengeance is part of me
Jealousy takes it all
Hatred is me
Am Hatred
Why not the same love
Am selfish to the point of fucking myself
Am only sweet to myself
I can't love more
I fear since no one can be trusted
There love is fake
It comes with favours
I live with people because I have to learn to be humane
I don't love people
But am easy to love
Since that's what am in search for
Maybe once I get it my sanity and humanity will come
But for now
I keep my bleeding heart to myself
A heart that is never sorrowful for other people's demises
A heart full of ignorance
A heart full of emptiness
Frowned 🙁 face that's its learning to smile 😃
Since the world is not a bed of roses
Fuck life
Fuck the reunion 🫂 of the sperm and ovum that conceived me
They're are all ruthless
Dad bringing me in this merciless generation and leaving me to his grave
Without caring for his seed
He's so ruthless to me
I hate them
Leaving me in the hands of the wolves
That manipulate the humanity
I never got a chance to say goodbye dad
But you know what don't RIP till the day you'll answer my questions
I don't cherish you for bringing me here I only need answers why
© Rayshine Rachael