

Depths of God's Soul
In depths of God's expansive soul we find,
A paradox, a mystery undefined.
He chooses to be our eternal salvation,
Yet countless souls are lost, in His creation.

Countless souls have fallen, lost in despair,
Godly love abundant, but who's left to care?
In creation's hands, death holds its embrace,
In death's hands, life emerges, silent grace.

The extremities in paradox, so profound,
Leave much to be missed, in balance unfound.
Why then, would a God create, to destroy?
Is responsibility for life, just a ploy?

A macabre symphony, His creation's score,
Eerie elements, forever we explore.
Repetition, cyclicality, time's swift flight,
In each quatrain, the second and fourth ignite.

In God's soul, depths unseen but keenly felt,
A darkness lurking, where love and hate have dwelt.
The echoes of lost souls, haunt His corridors,
As He grapples with the shadows, forevermore.

Each word, each line, an equal count to stay,
Adding spontaneity to the dial, in our own morbid way.
Dramatic language, musical beats resound,
As we delve into the depths where fear is found.

God, the master of creation, so sublime,
But within His soul, a darkness bides its time.
His intent to destroy, a mystery concealed,
Is it for the lack of life's value, unrevealed?

So we ponder the depths of God's haunted soul,
Touched by love, burdened by those who've lost control.
In this cycle of life and death, we are bound,
A chilling truth, in repetition we have found.
© NightSwimThePoet