

I'm Sorry
I'm sorry when I found you,
I covered you with eyes.
And asked you for your commitment
To take my pill tonight.

I slowly learnt to love you,
Not matter what I saw.
And every night so solo,
I never wanted more.

Have a drink beside me,
I'd let the movie run,
But just as it was over,
The night was nearly done.

I learnt to love the sunrise,
To see me in your eyes,
Again I woke so solo,
With sunshine through the blind.

Maybe noon will come soon,
You'd care to dine with me.
But noon was your siesta,
I'd wait and watch TV.

Dinner was the final chance,
I'd cook a daring meal.
A daring dress upon me,
This was quite the deal.

But I was tired of doing,
Always on my own.
Though I had made the family,
They never had a home.

© Natasha Desai