

you killed us
I was with my family,

Raising and taking care of my little calf,

the Calf's father was playing with them.

I am not a human!!

I am a cow!!

But Don't we animals have life?

Why are we killed?

My Calf's father Was taken inside a big Room.

He shouted for help!!

He begged the humans,

not to kill Him!!

He continuously Said To humans!!

'i have my family leave me,I love them, spare me please'

But They closed his mouth!!

Burn him with iron rot.

I did not saw the place inside,But

My instinct tells that it

Is a hell where devil in the form of humans live!!

I can Say that the place is full of blood,

Cause i saw Humans taking

My husband's bloodly flesh somewhere!!

It is not Only my calf's father who is killed!!

Everday thousands of animals loss their live!

Are humans a divil?

To see Someone dying infront of them!!

We animals are killed for

leather,meat,fur,wool and so on!!

Can't humans be mercyful for us!!

Can we not stay together?

We animals are friendly,loyal, innocent

So are you punishing us for being so?

What about my Little calf!!

The day will come when i will be killed!!

We Animals suffer so much for you humans!!

Can you not love us?

We are toutured!!

We are burned!!

Our flesh are ripped off!!

We are chopped off!!

Our heads are hit with hammers!!

Our bones are taken off badly!!

We are hang up in road!!!

Why do you humans like to kill Animals?

Why do you like Products made after Someone's lives..

Don't we animals have right to live?

Did not god made us to live together happily?

My little calf will be alone now!!

Why do you live animals blood!!

Remember Your Desire

For fashionable goods killed us!

You separated animals love!!

The leather thing you wear have

a life and heart behind it!!

You humans blame us animal

for killing you hunans!!

But we kill cause we know you

humans will harm us!!

We are scared of you humans!!

Killing was started first by you all humans

Leather Products are not the sign of humans richness!!

It is the sign of your Cruelty,hate for us animals!!!

© Vidhyasha