

what love is like
love is like chemistry
it is hard to separate with their invisible forces of attraction
love is like physics
it can never sink it practices the law of flotation
love is like biology
it produces individuals of the same species giving respect to reproduction
love is like CRS
it obeys the voice of the creator during creation
love is like government
it is hard to alter it is Like the written and rigid constitution
love is like literature
it decides the diction
love is like geography
it reads the map to locate where real golds are being layed deep down the heart
love is like economics
it practices the rule of monetization so that it won't experience deflation
love is like mathematics
it practices BODMAS (it puts a bracket of to the enemies (confusion) then divide their heads multiply the blessings add to the anointing and subtract the unwanted
love is like English
it makes the words and works of the enemy a mirage
I stand for fame
and not for shame
all the same
I sign my name