

Hear Me
Hear me Oh Lord
hear me when I cry
Hear me when I'm tried
I write this with my tears
Take away all this fear
I'm standing but with weak knees
Their words have broken my heart
let me hear you calling
when I am falling
I'm so discouraged
I have lost my courage
Will God hear man when He is broken?
Will God seek man when He is so low?
Your face do I seek
Your strength do I need
Broken bones
Walking all alone
Eyes of tears
Mouth of silence
I cover my face
Oh, what a day
Let it turn into night
that I may hide
Give me a taste of joy that I may rejoice
That my frown may turn into a smile
And this Trial pass by
I'm being tried but too weak to fight
They never considered my solitude
They never ask 
How are you?
They just scorn me with words
And leave me hurt
and don't consider the pain
and I'm left in shame
depression runs through my veins
discouragement breaking my bones
Taking my hope
Why are you so quiet?
The Lord tries and once again
you will arise
Give me light in darkness
Hear me cry Oh Lord
I write this with my tears
Hear me
© Vicb2424