

Walking down the street going to an unknown place.
She smiles and waves at anyone who greets her.
She chats and laugh with anyone who she recognise or who recognises her
Everyone sees her oozing with confidence wherever she goes .
Skipping and dancing, full of life, bright , and seemly naive and ignorant .
But no one sees that beneath all that, there is a fragile little girl afraid of everything.
Resentful to all the flaws she has.
Feeling insecure about her weight to the point where she refuse to look at a window.
She pretends as if she doesn't her all gossip , backbiting and laughing looking at her.
They were not laughing with her but at her.
She cry when alone but laugh and smile when in public.
She is both physically and mentally exhausted but doesn't know what from.
She would have committed suicide already if she wasn't scared of pain.

What should she do?