

Death within life
As time ages,
So to does the flesh on my bones.

Unrecognizable to those that are so familiar with my youth.

That my appearance is treated as that of the first encounter with a stranger.

My soul shrinks in sorrow,
like a old widow.

Alive I am.
Alive are we.

Thoughts and memories surfaces.

But drafted are the dreams that may never be fulfilled.

Nothing seems to nurture joy and happiness into that lifeline I depend on called love.

Alive I am.
Alive are we.

Have I forgotten how to feel?

I'm as numb as the dead,
and lifeless.

The crave of desire to feel alive.

May just be the weapon that seizes my existence.

The anxiousness of wanting to feel my heart race.

That pounding in my chest
that screams with a thirst for survival.

To have reason for any and everything.

And although my weeping chants and sings distruction to my desires

Alive I am.
Alive are we.
#EveCr7576 #Eve_Sylvester #poet

© Eve_Sylvester