

The Girl
She knew she loved him,
he knew the same,
He tried to show her,she refused him as if he was always playing some game, the more he loved her
and the realer it began to feel,the
more she ran without a thought of it being real she began to run and hide always worried she would be played a fool,she ran and ran to what she already knew,cautious with her heart and now extremely with her mind,she always turned to
the familiar and scared of the new she was scared of love cause it's something she just never really knew but had always prayed and wanted it to be true,yet in the end the truth of it was to much to bare that noone really loved this girl,and her true her them nor them ever truly knew the real person under the mask she wore for all to see,she played this little bs game that made her drive herself insane the guys she gave so much of herself to in the end were never ever true!!!
© Kimmy