

Once we were
Once or twice
I broke some heart
never payed the price
karma didn't forget

Doesn't matter
How long love last
broken heart still suffer
And never heal fast

Thought I had no feelings
now here I am dreaming
you've convince me to fall for you
then you couldn't love me too

When I move on you come
Bringing with you our first time
Don't wanna let you in but I can't
Perhaps you still occupy my heart

I keep letting you in
You keep hurting me deep
Don't know how to hate you
Just can't imagine it

I've helped many through this
Never thought I'll be this down
let me love somebody else please
let me go coz, can't do this by my own

we never meant to be together
neither we were to become friends
Hope one day you will understand
I once loved you
will never hate you
But let just stay stranger
As once we were