

Pseudo Feminism
Pseudo feminism

Miss. Shrewd got him tangled in barbed wire,
Blame imposed was commenting on attire,
His boss handed him a letter to fire,
Gratis minds came up on the affair to pryer,
society rewarded him with toxic wrier,
While his idea was only to appreciate & admire
the simple kind act lead him to kill his desire,
all of this brought immense shame to his sire,
who once sang hymns were now the abusing choir,
Leading him to further sink into daunting mier,

Male Community blamed him of fetching racism,
The poor soul accused,once personified heroism,
Existence was toxoid being indicted for vandalism,
Once was about taking stand for women,now terrorism,
Equality of sexes turned to damp men, Damn! PSEUDO FEMINISM.
-Kirti Wadhwa