

I Wear My Heart on My Sleeve
In the chambers of your beating heart,
A symphony of life plays its part.
A rhythm, ancient and profound,
A pulsing cadence, love's sweet sound.

Each beat a tale, a whispered story,
Of joys embraced and moments hoary.
In crimson currents, emotions weave,
A tapestry of hopes, in you, believe.

Within those valves, an endless sea, Echoes of laughter, echoes of plea.
Can it measure the love you hold?
This heart, a vessel, immeasurable, bold.

For in the realm of the heart's tender hold,
Limits dissolve, and love's tales are told. In beats and murmurs, an eternal song, Your heart, boundless, where you belong.

It cradles dreams in tender embrace,
A sanctuary in life's bustling space.
How much it holds, no measure known, Infinity within, like secrets sown.

In quiet moments, it softly sighs,
The depth concealed in your soul's ties. A rhythmic dance, a lifelong art,
An opus composed within your heart.

It bears the weight of both joy and sorrow,
A resilient muscle, today and tomorrow. A vessel of emotions, vast and untold, How much? Unmeasured, a mystery to unfold.

© nilacibi