

Never have I seen such drama in front of mine eyes
"I don't wanna be caged forever "
Maybe that's what the chicken whispered

Such energy
Where did it come from?
I think this chicken should win an award
"The motivator "

It ran as fast as it could
Poor chicken doesn't wanna die to human cravings
So it ran
Making human pant and sweat
"Reward for wanting to eat me"

A one human ran under the car
Another one human went into a transformer
Then the one last human flying with the poor chicken
Oi pollo, the chicken ran to its death
It ran till its legs weakened
but it actually satisfied human cravings 😭😭😭
But come to think of it, it was exceptionally delicious
it kept running in our stomachs also😅😅😅😅😅😅🤤🐓🐓🐓🐓
© my perception