

True Love or Lust
Your lust for money, power and me,
You have an insatiable hunger for all three,
Your indulgence in one of the deadliest sins,
Objectifying my existence in your sexual whims.
You no longer know the distinction between reality and fantasy,
While you export yourself to the heights of ecstasy.
This hunger you have for me is pure unadulterated lust,
You are incapable of loving me for me and there is no trust.

This physical yearning you deeply crave,
Comes from your desire to be truly saved.
But there is a difference between love and lust,
And there must be a spiritual bond and requited emotional respect between us.
Your initial admiration was flattering,
But your growing obsession is frightening,
I am not an object over which you can fawn,
In your fantasy games you see me as a mere pawn.

You are always shining your spot light,
Never letting me out of your sight,
I am not an object for your physical gratification,
There needs to be mutual satisfaction,
I need you to love me as a whole,
Mind, body and soul,
Please love me and not the concept of being with me,
If you are not capable of true love then set me free.

© Audrey Malcolm

#poetsanonymousink December 23rd Prompt

Inspiration: Lust