

Love is..
If It's Not the way you kiss me.
Maybe it's the way You Hold me.
Yet still You don't want me.
Dont know How to Love me .
I hang on like an anchor on your heart .
Hoping you will Pull me up and kiss me.
But I am left in the pit reminded of the inevitable.
Say the words
Say what needs to be Said .
The Disappointment in your eyes
The frown On Your face .
The Punishment You will face by telling me the truth .
Say the Words
and he says " I Can't Love You how You want me to and am sorry ".
Forgive me.
"Set me Free"
Love is Pain
Love Is Sacrifice
Love is letting Go
Love is never loving again to falling in love in the worse way all over.
Love is Power
Love is Strength
Love is Life Given By Your Own Creator
Love is Life taken By Your Own Lover.

© JhannieJhannie