

If I truly loved
If I truly loved,
Then I wouldn't seek your hurt
But I'm afraid I've taken,
A reverse direction to my words
When your hurt pains me,
But I keep pushing on
To max out on pleasure,
When you're crying through the thrust
Please forgive me babe,
I know I've convinced you a lot
Saying I meant no harm,
But for my actions I'm not so sure
If I truly loved,
Then I wouldn't seek your hurt
I wouldn't risk your tears for a moment,
Then I'd be keeping to my words
When your hurting pains me,
My care for you should make me stop
Cause your were all that mattered,
Before we took the wrong turn
Please forgive me babe,
I know I've convinced you with sweet talks
But if I ever loved you,
I wouldn't dare to see you hurt
It's sad I say I do,
And then I break your trust
And of all the guys you've dated,
I think I'm the worst.
© Cogua