

God Save Your Children...
In the heaven of compassion, where love abounds,
A plea for solace, in heartfelt sounds.
Oh, Lord of Jagannath, hear this humble cry,
As illness weighs heavy, and frustrations fly.
Amidst the chaos, may you grace her,
Like soothing raindrops, you rain her
Her spirit, weary and worn, seeks respite,
In your divine embrace, let her find delight.
Oh, Lord of compassion, pour your kindness divine,
Heal her body, with your touch so fine.
Ease her burdens, lift her spirit high,
Let your love surround her, as days drift by.
When her soul feels lost, and tears freely flow,
May your presence, like a gentle breeze, bestow.
Guide her through darkness, with your guiding light,
In the face of adversity, keep her spirits bright.
Oh, Lord of Jagannath, shower her with care,
Grant her strength, as burdens she must bear.
May her frustrations fade, like distant storm,
As your love enfolds her, in a healing form.
To her own people, may understanding bloom,
May their hearts soften, dispelling gloom.
May they see her struggles, and lend a hand,
Supporting her journey, with empathy grand.
Oh, Lord of grace, in poetic whispers, I plea,
Rain down your blessings, set her spirit free.
Grant her patience, and a resilient soul,
Rekindle her faith, and make her heart whole.
May your divine mercy be her guiding light,
Through the darkest hours, in her weakened plight.
And when she emerges, healed and anew,
May gratitude and love, forever imbue.
Oh, Lord of Jagannath, in your boundless love,
May she find solace, like a soaring dove.
Restore her vigor, her spirit ignite,
And wrap her in blessings, both day and night.
In this ode to my love, may your kindness reside,
As she finds strength, in your tender stride.
Oh, Lord, be her rain, in this arduous phase,
And lift her with your love, in infinite grace...
