

Trance of Terror
I sat straight on my chair reminscing that event,
I looked at the clock to noticed that its already 12:00 am,
So I decided to have forty winks,
Darkness ate me,
Wide path, green grasses, tall trees,
I'm amazed so went on foot,
Till I realized that it was endless so I stopped,
I examine the location, it was so quiet and mesmerizing,
It felt so comfortable,
I observed the place until,
I saw a magnificent gold castle,
A castle that's beyond compare,
I walked and went to that tower,
To saw a portal so,
I stopped but it opened so I got nervous,
But it didn't bother my curiosity so I walked straight,
I found myself inside that castle,
Full of nothingness and vagueness,
My forehead knotted in confusion, why?
I decided to go out,
But the path way out was gone,
It creeps me out,
I run as fast as I could,
While seeing nothing but darkness,
I feel so helpless while I'm crying,
I looked down to notice a blood,
I touched my face to realize it was mine,
I think I want to faint but no,
I tried to shout but no effect,
I hear footsteps coming after me,
They are coming closer and closer,
It send shivers down my spine,
Feeling that they pull me closer to them,
Like magnet,
I felt weak,
Covered my ears,
With my twofold hand,
Close my eyes and pray,
Thinking that my ear drums,
Would explode at,
The sound of laughing demons,
I weep hard and yearn that someone
Can help me,
Hoping that I can see light on this narrow endless darkness,
I'll go crazy,
Air stopped,
The feeling of imprisonment in this blurred place,
I feel suffocated,
I stood up,
Fight the evil spirits that kept on controlling me,
Pray that I can escape from this darkness,
My reverie stopped,
When my niece tapped my back,
Asked why?
I answered nothing
© FloreSabs28