

mixed feel
I’m lost for words!

I’m totally confused about the situations that are occurring around me.

This morning I’d seen a video, grand welcoming Covid-19 survivor and I was very much overwhelmed looking at the positives vibes.

Later tonight I found a heart-wrenching picture, where a Covid-19 patient is left helpless and later a couple of hours death had assisted him to let go his pain, as no one is willing to help him and the saddest part is no one I meant even his family was not willing to come forward to pick his body!

I’m not pointing at those people nor their family because the current situation will make everyone to behave in a similar dilemma in the name of FEAR with hidden agony of leaving their loved ones and that guilt will traumatize them forever, as they are not doing these acts for their self but rather for the society and to sustain in that so-called society!

What has come upon us!

Stay strong people! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

© thoughtWritingsByBadri