

The him!
His heart, a great tale yet untold,
He is the master of his own fate, bold,
In his world of darkness, he finds strength,
A symphony of shadows, a power at length.

Why would he be bound by virtues and values,
When society judges him with narrow views?
So he chooses a path, with freedom untamed,
In chaos and mischief, his essence is framed.

He stands apart,
like a lone wolf with rebellious heart,
Independent, a badge he proudly wears,
A symbol of his strength and his aura so rare.

He rules the world, with fearless stride,
Unafraid to explore the rage he hides inside.
They often say he dwells in the shadow's
But deep down, they fear him, for he is the shadow.

He is not a hero, sacrificing loved ones true,
For the greater good, a path they pursue.
He is the villain, who burns down the world,
To protect his loved ones, his passions unfurled.

© davence_hackwell

#WritcoQuote #writco #writer #poetrycommunity #Love&love #Shayari #emotions #motivational