

What do you see?
With golden hair that shred diamonds
With eyes the perfect shape of almonds
With a gaze that holds the mystery of galaxies
With a scent that's no less than lavender leaves
With a smile that could light up the world
With teeth shining like expensive pearls
With a sun lit face brighter than a summer day
With a face cut like God has molded the clay
With skin so fresh like a young rose
With no error made from head to toes
With dimples deep like trap could be
With fingers perfect for an emerald ring
With each curve hugging her perfectly
What do you see?

A cheap toy to easily fiddle with?
Or a lame joke to giggle with?
A prize that you crave to win?
Or a blame for your tempting sin?
A new sight for your undressing gaze?
Or company to utilize a couple of days?
A new layer of skin you're ready to peel?
Or a secret you think has yet to reveal?
A new place for marking your teretorial land?
Or a reminder that men have the upper hand?
A medicine for your wounds to heal?
Or innocence you can't wait to steal?
When you look at her I don't know what you see
But let me tell you she too is a human being

She's a daughter, a sister, a mother
You might not have one, but she is to someone other
She is the pride of my nation
And the foundation to every relation
She has a soft heart and that is no secret
You call her the weaker section just to hide your weakness
She is the teacher that humanity needs
And when all of you back up, she stands up to lead
She is a brave warrior who's fought through ages
And the loyal worker who's worked without wages
When you don't know where to turn, she's the one you turn to
And if you can't respect her, you better learn to
Cause when you look at her I don't know what you see
But let me tell you she too is a human being!!

#feminist #feminism #womanempowerment
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