

Frozen icicles project the purity of sins my life has created
Melting away all my problems as my life goes extinct
Trying to catch the ones I hold close
Dropping off my heart into the pits of my stomach
I vomit
Falling to my knees
screaming tears frozen in place
Hands grip the chills of winter
I close my eyes trying to remember a place that loved me
Letting go as I lay in the cold
The snow has buried the forgotten
Slowing my breath as the awful dreams fade
I shall stay here
Day goes by sun to moon
warmer and colder
Where is the peace I long for
My life has melted into a giant puddle of tears
No choice but to move the stiffness of me
woundering the numbness and fragil beauty
The leaves are soft this time of year
flowers pressed agensed my lips
The soft ground underneath my feet sitting in the open world
with the perfect warmth on my back with such a great view I had to blink a few times
Numbness slowly fades and I'm all alone but peace greets me as I feel whole once more