

My night nurse
She is the lady in red,her presence in the room is graceful,
A little cracky yet amazing, she is the lady with blue eyes,
A little shy but she's cunning
Gracefully she moves,

As she's nursing me at dusk, she whisper she wanted to be a nun, terrible I chuckle, coz none of us could be here, but she's nuts she'd still get me nut,
She twist her little waist in an angelic way, rides like we're at California
She is a goddess,
In my weakest moments I shyly confess of my love for her,
At dawn I tell her amazing it was, but she look at me straight to my eyes, like we've never met, and without a word she leaves,
can't stop thinking of her, terrible night nurse, terrible
Ooh night lady you tear me apart
© mwirigiB