

the world...
the world...
the world lets us be
and if we dont go with it
then we are a burdon
but the truth is...
everyone manipulates us
and this starts early on

already in our school days
when we try to find out
what you want to become
and what you are cut out for,
people start asking
what do you want to become

but how are we supposed to know
if we dont know who we are
society will tell us

When we dont know
we ask for advice
but people give you just the advice
they want you to know
so they want us to become doctors
or they want us to be teachers
because thats what they need

but what we want stays hidden
even from us
we artists are not welcomed
because we inspire people
to stop reading the room
and become
become what they
truly want to be

the world wants us
to not think to much
because that would make us
ask ourselves things
things that society
doesnt want us to know

you need to be someone
and if you dont believe in yourself enough
to find out who you truly are
then you will be a stranger
to yourself forever

the world...