

I am fake
I am fake
Yet I stay
I do rake
All the leaves at bay
You said I am a liar
You said I am unfair
I still dont understand
How I am being unfair
I am who I am
Everyone makes mistakes
I took all faults
Never blame you
Yet I am called a fake
Maybe I not loyal
But I do know my limits
You said I played you
Like a fool
I don't toy with people feelings
I am always sorry
I would always accept my mistakes
No matter what
If I am not loyal
Then thats okay
I would not talk about me again
I guess I would just be a silent bird
And ignore all my pain
Just fly whenever everyone needs her
I still try to give you some company
But I guess that do not counts
You always talked about be real
But then I am fake
Maybe I am not human
Maybe I am non existance
You always say you forgive others
But to me it still bothers
How I hurt you
But remember
I am a faker
Not real
Not loyal
Do not care
I just don't exist anymore

© karishmaheera