

Time has blown you away from me like strong winds,
I hope you don't forget what we have shared...
It seems like it was only yesterday when we were kids

It's already been seven years when we last meet,
That was the last day for your but not for me,
I cried so much to stop you for not going further away ,
Blood comes down, body became so weak, but for me you're still inside.

Again saying that was not the last day for me ,
Cause I talk every night with your Shadow , which was showed from the broken windows,
Wave your hand and flapping your wings, you still comes when I fall asleep.

I can feel your scent even if I stay deep in my dream,
You're the angel who show me light on the dark Way,
Still living with the Stars and The Moon Empire,
Now you're the very close to them, which one I wish to be early one day.

Hoping to be with you in rest of my life,
Only dream became the dream like it's ashes of the leaves,
And all the things becoming wrost day by day rising,
Hating to everything comes across my way, which is stopping me to say GOODBYE....

© SDsilone @sdsilone