

Goodbye to the grave
Too my heart that wont beat
To the rythem of my feet
Playing the dance of my defeat.
I am a lioness i roar and yet the queen cat cries for a love thats lost that she once had
I have fallen far and my shame is bad
The trees fruit withered and leaves all fallen. Nothing left to bear but deaths air.
I taste the bitter share she has left for me.
Its all thats left now so how how could i care. I hate you death now ill scream my bitter cries of my last goodbyes you wretched life sucking skull of nothing u evil darkness that tears at the last limbs of life.
You caused me nothing but strife so i hate you now more than ever and your sick lies. Dont ever look my way again or youll surely reap the havok of having more than torturous pain cut u deeply with a knife
To die a thousand deaths is the wretched pain i have my final flee with tonight.
© ParisLaRay