

I don't seem to know what's good for me,
Can't count how many have chased,
Can't explain how many I need,
At the same time I don't want to stay,
I might sooner or later descend into mara,

I don't know what feels true,
Heard lot's of lies and truth,
Currently, I've transcended into an unfamiliar realm,
Prepare for the worst, I might not be heard from again.

You don't know how hard I've tried so don't try relating,
Billie's heart going cold she doesn't want to be you anymore,
I could bet ten cowries it's same for me,
Since trust gets one killed and love gets one hurt,
Why not abandon all and live a free from mortals?.

I been battling amidst love and hate,
Really don't know how to set things straight,
Why don't I burn my life essence, then transform my destiny into that of a demon,
A sky sovereign roc, wing spanning three thousand miles,
Herewith, I could perhaps forget about all impurities trying to ravage my mind.
But am I certain I want to leave the world I used to know?.

© unspokenwords