

Lily's Café
In Lily's Café where whispers gently glide,
A tale unfolds of love, in secret bide.
A stranger walked through the worn oak door,
His eyes a mystery, the heart implore.

Beneath the awning of blooming wisteria,
He sat alone, a silent enigma.
In the fragrance of freshly brewed tea,
A connection brewed, a chance to be free.

Lily's smile, a sunbeam in disguise,
Caught his gaze, like stars in midnight skies.
Unspoken words lingered in the air,
As strangers met in that quaint affair.

The coffee cups echoed silent tunes,
As love blossomed beneath crescent moons.
In every sip, a shared heartbeat,
In Lily's Café, where two worlds meet.

A dance of glances, an unspoken pact,
Love brewed slowly, an artful act.
In porcelain cups, emotions entwine,
A stranger's love, a secret shrine.

Through the hours that melted like honey,
They found solace, sweet and sunny.
Lily's Café witnessed love unfold,
A tale whispered, a story untold.

In the hush of twilight, a silent vow,
Love blossomed, like flowers allow.
A stranger no more, entwined they stand,
In Lily's Café, where love was planned.
© Saighoe Francis Asilfie Kweku