

Ignore The World
There's always an ending in everything.
Bad times come to test you only.
That time all will misunderstand you,
Some will judge and some will bully you.
But don't take it to heart. Keep Hope!
Stop staring at the sky and leave the daydreams.
Encourage yourself to fight back.
Nothing can be gained from cries and screams.
Don't waste a single moment of your valuable life!
Ignore the world that is full of tides.
Ignore the world and trust yourself.
Ignore the world and stay happy.
Don't let others torment you.
Your will power will defeat the dark inside and outside you.
Don't bear the injustice. Fight Back!
If none trusts you, leave them and move on.
Your inspiration will result in success.
Ignore the world, and say I love myself.
Only your love for you is enough!