

just an idea
here's an idea
let's all play pretend
i might be me
and you
....if playing.....
whoever it be
that you chose.

we'll communicate poorly,
and argue quite loudly,
our telephone
an old worn pair of
found shoes.

the lines can
(get it?)
become tangled
and the edges will blur
as all manners of cliches
and storeroom outlines
become new:
store and house
(stock favorites),
spaceship (of course),
cowboys and indians
win / lose.

and then tables will turn
the thorn crown will pass heads
and you can be me for awhile,
me you.

(in the light always dwindling before dinner gets called)....

the narrative
with a passionate chorus
of just who is it
that is who

Now is it
I am is alive
and you who is

(or vice versa?)

and who the dreamer that belongs in these shoes?

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