

why the hell is there a sunset at noon
I wish that in our last moments together I would have known, this is it.
Maybe I would have stayed a little longer, showered you love till dawn
Am mad that I was not the last person you saw, it should have been ME!!

My phone so full of our memories, of you smiling, why were you smiling?
maybe you said something and i didn't listen,
maybe you showed me a sign and i didn't see
How could i have not seen the tears in your smile
The sorrow in your eyes,
the emptiness in your "I love you toos"
I still beat myself up that maybe,
Maybe if you were not in my life then things would have turn a little better for you, that death would have arrived later than sooner
So soon, so young, so not fair, so early

why the hell is their a sunset at noon!

So I will be smiling on your last day and tell everyone that you would have wanted us this way "happy"
But I don't even know what YOU wanted.
I keep listening to your playlist over and over again, a side of you I never knew,
we were two close strangers
Why did you have to leave, was it to punish me?
for this torture is more than I can bare
Am trying to be strong but I just can't.
Am mad about colour black, am mad at your clothes, am mad at everyone, am mad at you, am mad at the world  all i needed was a sign maybe.. ...?

I just miss you.
© mwirigiB