

Our Planet Now
There was once a time when there were people,
They were constantly causing pollution,
If only they had stopped soon,
Then there would have been a solution,

There were factories, plants and fires,
All letting out emissions,
If only they were made illegal,
Then there would be a change to conditions,

They made cars electric,
But factories let out ignitions,
They wanted to change the world,
And so did their ambitions,

The people only live once,
So they try to make a difference,
If only they had stopped sooner,
There would've been less ignorance,

The gassess eroded the earth,
And it did so to the future,
If only they had stopped soon,
Then we could thank all our teachers,

All in the earth was ruined,
Because of the pollution and the emissions,
The factories, cars, and busses,
Were letting out ignitions,

It's still never too late,
They can carry on to debate,
If they work on this together,
They they can remove this fate.

© Golden Insighter 2021