

like welling wood about to be ash
dismembering itself because it became overwhelmed
the flames were much too nice, keeping it alight
so it had to collapse into the night

inevitable inertia is rolling me over
like the tremors of an earthquake
my head aches, I don't deserve to be okay
the ground shakes from the Rayleigh waves

tremendous what-if's induce a migraine
rest my head on my hands
wrestling with my self-doubt
I can't let this ignite my collapse

words for my sore ears just bring me tears
it's myself asking the queries

did she even like me
I don't deseve it
I turned the page but it's still a solilquy
do they still need me

are my problems real
fading into a dream of teal
wishing to feel
a day-mare is my perpetual spiel

I feel like I'm healed but I don't want to forget
I need to apologise but I feel too much regret
I need to improve I'm too guilty to rest
I can only hear me

I'm too scared to be free
I live in this day-mare comfortably
© angel_ap