

Topanga Canyon (Angel City 7)
Like a medieval state,
It has its own coat-of-arms:
The flying pig,
Symbol of impossible odds,
Which nonetheless
can be overcome.
A fitting emblem for the artists
who've flocked here
to start lives anew
on their own terms.
A creek winds through
the canyon,
Home to turtles and frogs,
Mighty empires
Who've vied for dominance
since time immemorial.
Who chronicles their history?
Have they a Thucydides?
A Herodotus?
How do they measure their lives,
Just a stone's-throw away,
The world of man marches on,
Completely unaware?


#LosAngeles #SoCal #LA #epicpoem #hometown #Malibu #urban #city #poetry #spontaneousprose