

struggle of life
In a world of impassive struggle to survive or succeed.
One should accept not every struggle needs a winner or loser.
Life is not a battle ground, but an occasion of growth & share.
An event of being empathetic & collaborating thru each struggles.

The idea of winner & loser creates an environment of division & hatred
Which converts life into a mess of social & individual collapse of morals.
Some struggles are complex in such that requires combined approach,
to uphold the sanctity of life of each person involved or might get effected.

By ignoring the merit of winner or loser, the struggle becomes the lesson.
Lesson of personal & growth thru tolerance, cooperation inspires to find solution.
Solutions that breaks social & individual confines, turns diversity into asset for new ideas.
Solution that forms a new knowledge that prospers the world into a paradise for all.
© augustin