

Pray for my forgiveness
To the father of my ex:
I hope you know, I tried my best
to undo the brainwashing of your terrible

You are a horrible father.
Obsessed with fame and would rather
beat your wife
to keep a wife.
I can't imagine what you've done to your daughter.

Smiling for the photographer
but violent behind the scenes.
Between you and me?
Kiss my boots before I inform the authorities.

Selling expired warranties.
A bitch of a man with dreams of utter authority.
A misogynistic, master manipulator.
You don't deserve a warning.
Your family can't see through the lies because they're caught up in their feelings.

You act the teacher by being a preacher.
Reciting verses like a priest.
Why would I ever respect you when Jesus is not your king?
Believing you are the second coming.
An egotistical narcissist who can't ever cum in.

Your wife...is depressed.
The first sign of that was the wedding.
The second was the sister,
1.5 was the bed wetting.
In my opinion, boys like you should die.
Real men cry, boys like you lie.

You try to set an example but completely fail at it.
Let me raise the family, it'd be better if you quit it.
I make more money than you ever have your entire life.
Why the fuck would I be scared of you with a knife?
I could cash out your lineage, buy out your next vicinity.

The next time you bring up my family.
Your head will be atop a canopy.

© DolorTheDaimone