

Does fantasy of real love exist or lust and money.

"Fantasy of Real Love or Lust and Money"

Two paths diverge, in life's grand play
One leads to love, the other to dismay
Fantasy of real love, or fleeting thrill?
Lust and money, or a heart's gentle will?

I. Love's Pure Flame

Real love's warmth, that never fades
A gentle breeze, that soothes life's shades
Unconditional, selfless, and true
A heart's deep connection, forever anew

II. Lust's False Allure

Lust's brief spark, that quickly dies
A moment's pleasure, followed by goodbye
No commitment, no heart's embrace
A shallow substitute, for love's sacred space

III. Money's Empty Promise

Wealth's allure, that promises delight
But leaves the heart, in endless night
No love, no joy, just empty gain
A life without love, forever in vain

IV. The Choice We Make

Which path to take, which road to roam?
Love's gentle voice, or lust and wealth's home?
The heart knows truth, in every test
Choose love's pure flame, and find eternal rest

V. Fantasy or Reality?

Is real love fantasy, or reality's call?
Does it exist, or is it just a dream's thrall?
For those who've known, its gentle touch
Real love's fantasy, is a living clutch.

VI. Conclusion

Love's the anchor, that holds through life
Lust and money, just a fleeting strife
Choose wisely, dear heart, choose well
Real love's fantasy, is a story to tell.

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