

The Thing About Grief Is: LOVE YOU
The thing about grief is
it can never fully go away,
it greets me with
every new milestone,
a ghost at the door of joy,
whispering secrets of yesterday,
it grates at my heart
with every missed conversation,
echoes of laughter now
drowned in the silence of absence.

A lifetime of “I love you”s
overflowing and overwhelming,
each syllable a fragile petal,
soft yet heavy with the weight
of what was and what could have been.

The hug I long for,
the warmth of your embrace,
your hands guiding me
through the tangled paths of doubt,
the advice I needed,
a compass now lost,
the scars that time
simply can’t smooth over,
each one a story, each one a reminder
that love leaves its mark,
even as it fades to memory.

“I miss you”
pulsates in the background
of my days,
a heartbeat, a rhythm,
a pulse that throbs quietly
yet defiantly,
a frequency that goes unheard
by most of the people around me,
they dance to a different tune, ...