

Till death makes us apart
Oh! Death, why the arrival of you sounds evil or brutal,
As thy clutch the originality the essence of being clinging that soul to the voyage of eternity,
But as thy leave, the ashes like chunks waste lying on earthly laid soils, leaving the agony of turmoil,

Oh! thy death as taking the carcass,
Why are you heartless blindfolded for aint seeing the salty numbness the void emotions clinging to the human form wanting if only there could be just last moments before the naked reality of truth thy being could cherish the juncture like a sweet maiden melodic symphony,
You wouldn't know the sensitivity of the situation, the blues metaphors or grey hue of the fallen thickness of heart and mind,

Oh! death if only you might be the dominant unknown, untouched unreflected illusion the only soul knowing your validity human forms are materialistic emotional beings draped in feelings away from your worldly utopia the thoughts bringing quivers down the crest,

As thy takes, the only love bonding leaving behind portrays of individuality breaking hearts into trillions of pieces, but let me tell you that perhaps taken is the essence of being,

What you ain't taking is longevity and cherishing memories that will stay with me till your brutality reached on thy me,

The last stage performance before the curtain falls and a round of applause will be the legacy of being and long after cosmic existence,
Writer words will be sanity to the many lively souls.
© Soni Mirchandani