

When I cried for the first,
In the arms of the nursre,
Nurse passed me to the,
One who brought me to the Earth.
Still I was crying,
My mother replied " Aaaw my boy"
The day I realized here the truly heaven lies,
And now again I cried,
This time she cwetched me tight,
And then I slept for the complete Night.
Next day she took me to her place,
Where she nourished me,
She punished me,
Where she hugged me,
She kissed me,
She loved me.
Till the time I was of one,
I loved her,
I liked her,
I saw her, I saw her,
When I spelled for the first,
She screamed with the joy.
When I stepped for the first,
She screamed with the joy.
When I feel for the first,
She lifted me up.
When I flied for the first,
She lifted me up.
This was my mother.
© allmypersona. #poemsofolalekan